
Two shows down – or, at least, recorded – which leaves six to go. All things considered, filming went remarkably smoothly. Which is to say, large portions of the last couple of weeks have been a complete nightmare, but the final machines were, for the most part, huge fun. There’s lots we can do better for subsequent shows, but there are also rather pressing worries like… er… what do the later shows consist of, anyway? Ho hum. Doubtless we’ll manage. Somehow.

One series tradition already underway goes like this: every show, your correspondent shall lose a handkerchief in moderately bizarre circumstances. The first one was used to mop up and wring out saucepans full of water (which couldn’t be tipped out for reasons that will be apparent when the programme goes out). Subsequently, it became soaked through in fresh but decidedly non-potable orange juice. Gallons of it. The second handkerchief was used to wipe off some extraneous marker pen, before eventually seeing service as a firelighter. Unexpectedly, even doused in petrol it proved tricky to ignite.

Beyond that, there’s not much I can tell you without spilling the beans entirely. Besides, I’ve only seen the machines and some of the people – there’s been plenty going on of which I’ve had no idea. I look forward to seeing the final result.

Doctor Who

“If you are an alien, how come you sound like you’re from the North?”
“Lots of planets have a North.”

Ah, the new Doctor Who, in officially unofficial but unofficially most likely official bootleg internet-o-vision. I’m halfway in, and thoroughly enjoying it. Those who know me, and can’t find it via BitTorrent, might just possibly expect a link soon. [cough]

There goes the statistical neighbourhood

A month. A whole month? Crivens. That’s my posting rate average right down the swannee. But then, February did appear to be ‘no blogging month’ for most of my deletetheweb.com hostees, too. Odd.

But yes, I’m still here. Very busy at work, which come to think of it might just have had some minor impact on my posting frequency. It’s possible. And note, incidentally, that ‘busy’ really means ‘having a bit of a git of a time, on and off’; it’s not been an entirely fun month, to be honest. However, I think we’ve solved most of the truly major problems, leaving just ‘making the series’ to get our heads around. It’s mostly back to being fun again, anyway, which can only be a good thing.

As for the blog: well, now – my notebook appears to have nascent posts on… hmm… let me see… rainbows as seen from aeroplanes; bicycle courier fashions; ‘I believe in Moleskine noteboooks’; muses on being in karmic debt with old friends; textual decoration in coffee shops; drawing stuff in OmniGraffle; and probably something about mustard again. And that’s all just for starters.

So much to write, so little inclination to spend more hours thinking at a keyboard outwith work. Heigh-ho.