UGTV’06, in London in a couple of weeks’ time. Full. Drat. And I’m in a school in Warrington anyway… making ‘user-generated TV’ directly, ironically enough.
All set up, it seems, by Mint Digital, founded by an ex-RDF chappie and chaired by their founder and CEO. Rosie – who was the RDF chap you were listening to this week, what were they talking about, and what, specifically, did you tell them about SciCast? Just, you know, idly interested. Ahem.
[update: OK, look – on closer inspection, it’s a 45-minute panel discussion followed – one presumes – by a networking event. I’m going to assume the discussion part at least will be on camera and bunged online ASAP. If it isn’t… they’re rather missing the point, aren’t they?]
Not RDF, Endemol. Peter Cowley. And I was extremely vague. Mostly because I don’t actually know what it is you’re doing. I said the word nesta, I said the word web-based, I filled in between with some mumbly bits and everyone looked at me as though I was completely plugged in and all over this digital user-generated blah de blah. Which of course, I am. *ahem*
Is it just me or does ‘Endemol’ sound like a prescription only cough medicine?