The BBC News front page has been redesigned. I wonder if they’ll start posting stories with paragraphs of more than one sentence now, or if they’ll still write like we’re all idiots.
Hmm… actually, it’s not much of a redesign. They’ve widened the page (wait for the cries from people still running 800×600 screens… both of them), added white space, and made the banner neater. Looks nicer, though.
[update: they didn’t test the new front page on an iPhone, then?]
Ah, so it’s not just an artefact of using Webkit then! Synchronicity.
“wait for the cries from people still running 800×600 screens”
Do me a favour! You may want a work of art from a news site, I want something functional. I don’t want to have to have a HUGE window just to read the news. And on a laptop (most of which are 1024×768, and will remain so as the pixel size can’t get smaller and retain readibility) you have to maximise the Beeb news web site now. I don’t want a web browser to take over my desktop.
Haven’t the Been heard of CSS layout and flexible column size?