Hey, where’s my plug? <sniff>
But glad to see you’ve been persuaded Vinay
You’ve been in my links/blogroll for at least a day. What more do you want? Sheesh!
Honestly, some people. They post one sycophantic story, and they think the world owes them linkage forevermore.
Ah, I knew one sycophantic story wouldn’t be enough.
Right here goes…
Hey, where’s my plug? <sniff>
But glad to see you’ve been persuaded Vinay
You’ve been in my links/blogroll for at least a day. What more do you want? Sheesh!
Honestly, some people. They post one sycophantic story, and they think the world owes them linkage forevermore.
Ah, I knew one sycophantic story wouldn’t be enough.
Right here goes…