Yesterday: waving a fond farewell to the transmission masters, I filed a small mountain of paperwork, handed over the clear-up notes to Duncan the production secretary, and… cleared my desk. Today I’m messing about trying to do DVDs of the show so the cast and crew can actually see it, and I still have to write half the billings, but otherwise – Scrap It! is finished. Thirteen weeks since I started on it, and we’ve delivered thirteen shows.
I’ve never worked that fast, but it’s been an absolute blast. OK, so some of it we got away with by the skin of our teeth, and the dub was a bit rushed, but it’s been one of the most fun jobs I can recall. It’s not really for me to judge, but overall I’m delighted with the show, the commissioner seems extremely happy, and while it’s still a tad early to say with confidence, it’s looking like we even brought it in on budget. Which is something of a miracle, frankly.
Transmission is on Discovery Kids from November 7th (a week on Monday!), at 7:25am, 12:10pm and 4:00pm. The billings are somewhat out of date (we never did shoot the nose pump mentioned in the first episode blurbs…), but that’s probably because I haven’t had chance to write them yet. Well hey, we only worked out the series running order a week ago!
Oh, and the pig? At some point, I brought in a very cute cardboard pig made by Dave Pitt for The Big Bang, many years ago. I think it was supposed to be an example of the level of finish we were aiming for, or something. Anyway, it ended up as set dressing… then the graphics guy got his mitts on it… and now it’s animated all over the titles and graphics sequences, despite having come from an entirely different series. But hey – everyone loves the pig.