Things are about to get funky around here, I think. In no particular order:
- I’ve updated The Daily Grind to the latest Movable Type. As a result, all the spam protection stuff has changed – we’ll see how well it performs. TrackBacks are back on for the moment, but I’ll need to keep an eye on processor usage. Ironically, my hosting plan is total overkill for the bandwidth and disk space I’m using, but the last time TrackBacks were turned on, all the spam brought the server to its knees. Oops.
- I’m going to nuke this template and start again… most likely to end up with something that looks rather similar. So at some point, it’s all going to look very odd. Bear with me when that happens. On the plus side – I’ll make the fonts a little larger this time around.
Meanwhile, outwith the Daily Grind:
- I’ve a project proposal in with NESTA that they rather like. Actually, that’s an understatement, and we’re all terribly excited about it. So far, we have pilot stage funding allocated and agreement on the goals, and there’s been an expression of interest from the big-wigs. The next step is to plonk a brief of the plan in front of them and say ‘this is what we intend to do’; so long as there’s still at least interest, we’ll press on with the pilot. Funding the full project could be tricky/weird/cobbled together, but that’s (a.) next month’s problem, and (b.) one I’d like to have. To NESTA’s credit – this has all happened in the last two weeks. Speedy.
- Fun night last night at The Stand, watching Gavin and Scrap It! presenter Will Andrews try out sketch material from The Comedy Unit. Will’s in-development sitcom for Channel 4 is very, very strange and potentially very, very funny.
- These are a terrific idea, but be sure to read the comments about environmental impact.