The high-level summary

If you’re trying to get a handle on the post immediately below, here’s the overview pitch:

In the 1970s and 80s, Johnny Ball and his team at the BBC did a terrific job of inspiring British children towards mathematics, science and engineering.

That was then. But now, it’s 2006. Suppose you want to provide similar sorts of inspiration for children today: how do you do it?

Well, I made science TV for children for almost ten years (I actually made more series than Johnny Ball did), and this project is my first big stab at answering that question. I want to take all that video experience, mix it up with my general web geekery, and make something wonderful for the next generation of technically-minded children.

I now have half the funding I need. Who else wants in?

5 thoughts on “The high-level summary”

  1. I haven’t got a Z1, but I live at the top of the M1. And funnily enough my very first job in television was as a trainee camera assistant in Bristol – and the very first show I ever worked on was the first episode of Think Of A number, Johnny Ball’s first series.

  2. Yes, the Inkycircus lasses are doing some great work with their blog. I’m not sure what stage the magazine is at – I’m surprised if they’re not involved in Flipside, actually – but I should pursue. Luckily, the NESTA folks seem to know everybody I don’t, and rather big on trying to join the dots between everything.
    Thanks for the thought: and if anyone here isn’t reading Inkycircus, it’s well worth subscribing to. They write well, pick fun stuff, and are less annoying than Boing Boing.

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