My lovely funders NESTA have an interview about our new project Planet SciCast. It gives you a brief overview of what we’re trying to do, and – more importantly? – some of the background as to why. In the grand scheme of things it’s a relatively small-scale project, but there are some Big Ideas behind it, and around it. I’m pushing for it to be seen as a useful test case for some of the debate that’s going on about public service publishing, for example.
The site itself is now live too. The ETB have done a cracking job of munging their content management system to deliver the design work that was done last year – but you’ll rapidly notice that it’s a work in progress. In the short term you’ll see mostly bug fixes and tweaks, but I’m hoping I can talk everyone round to understand the difference between what we have now, and the living community site we should have.
But hey – SciCast is now officially happening. The competition will open for entries later this month, and we’re already getting a terrific response from schools about the films, the site, the competition, and the project.
Children’s TV 2.0.
[still no comments on, sorry]