While this new phone might crash rather a lot, the camera is genuinely impressive. To give you some idea; this snap of my dining table festooned with accounts paperwork (ugh!) was taken with my old Z600. That’s the full-quality output from its camera. Click it for a popup of the K750i’s results (250k JPEG that’s about twice the size of your screen; save it and open it in something that scales pictures, like Preview). Note that I’ve dropped the JPEG quality somewhat to make the file smaller.
There are, of course, much better cameras – but this is good enough for mucking about shots. I still hanker after a digital SLR, but digital compacts can go hang, frankly.
[update Jan 2015, whilst rebuilding this site. I can’t be bothered to do the popup thing, so I’ve just put the two pictures side-by-side. From the current perspective it seems quaint we ever found cameraphones surprising.]
Two regrets about my SonyEricsson P910i
a) it doesn’t do the bluetooth-SMS Apple Addressbook integration (though this may imply that it has a marginally more secure Bluetooth but that annoys me if I can’t do the type an SMS thing)
b) the camera is really awful.. I would love to ditch my digital camera and really wonder if I should have gone with what you have..
apart from that, I could do with a slightly larger screen on it because it does actually render pdf so it has the potential to actually be useful.. it also checks one of my email accounts regularly via GPRS and the MMS composition is actually quite fun (though the interface for that is not optimal..)
Still I’d rather have a colour Newton with modern battery technology and v.slightly smaller..
Wow :-O That’s a cracking quality, and I thought my 7650 was good :-O
My new choice, Nokia’s 6680, just arrived in stock, Orange let me know on Saturday, so I’m off to have a look and play.
Be interested to know the costs of regular email checking vai GPRS, as I’ve heard from some that it can be crippling