Fantastic!. In particular, check out the video clips.
2 thoughts on “Flying snakes”
fuck personiel inofo
Well, that was illuminating.
For the record: your email address comes to me only, it’s never posted to the web. And I don’t believe there’s any validity checking done by the blog back-end (Moveable Type), so you can enter anything you like. And, as you discovered, you can still post anonymously anyway.
In general, however, I think one should be prepared to put one’s name to one’s comments. This is why the form is set up as it is.
fuck personiel inofo
Well, that was illuminating.
For the record: your email address comes to me only, it’s never posted to the web. And I don’t believe there’s any validity checking done by the blog back-end (Moveable Type), so you can enter anything you like. And, as you discovered, you can still post anonymously anyway.
In general, however, I think one should be prepared to put one’s name to one’s comments. This is why the form is set up as it is.