Richard, silly boy, has managed to get a loop going in VNC. Twit.
And hey, if the machines are side-by-side, it’s much more convenient to run Teleport, which comes close to extending your desktop onto another Mac. Scoot your mouse off one Mac’s screen and onto another – very neat. All that’s missing is being able to drag windows between systems, but that’s asking a bit much. [coughNSHostingcough]
Unfortunately, Abyssoft’s webserver seems to have gone into casters-up mode, so here’s a local mirror of the current test release (160Kb zip file). Clipboard sync doesn’t work for me in this release, so I’m still using Clipboard Sharing for that.
I’m over three million pixels, by the way. Nuts. Perhaps Apple’s 30″ screen isn’t so bonkers after all.
At least my clocks are in sync . . .