As I’ve already indicated, I’m a huge fan of this new Doctor Who series. It’s just disturbing enough to freak out about the right proportion of viewers, and the local kids here in Glasgow are walking to school in the morning playing Daleks. Which is cool. But I’ve been most impressed by the production sensibilities, in that they’re not trying to pull off too much. Visual effects are used only where necessary, and they even seem to be underplaying them a little – it’s mostly done by the power of suggestion, which is much cleverer and, indeed, more like the Doctor Who way of doing things. Just when one might have worried that the BBC had lost it with family entertainment on a Saturday night, they go and pull this on us. Bravo!
Anyway, one thing that’s completely passed me by is the whole ‘Bad Wolf’ thing. It turns out, every episode includes at least one reference, and even the supporting websites (there are several –, mention it. Heck, mouse over the TARDIS on the BBC’s Doctor Who page. There’s an episode in a couple of weeks’ time that’s titled ‘Bad Wolf,’ so doubtless all will be revealed. The gossip appears to be assuming that the Master is involved somehow, but we shall see.
Excited, me? Heck, yeah. I can’t tell you how happy I am to have the Doctor back. Especially since I saw the finale of Enterprise over the weekend, and… well, I can’t tell you how happy I am to have the Doctor back. Ahem.