Siting the Iter fusion reactor is, once more, close to being agreed. Blimey. To say this is ‘delayed’ is putting it mildly – I first heard about the project in a course of lectures in Sydney, back in… no, I’m not kidding… 1989. Sometimes I wonder if there’s an equivalent of critical mass related to the pace of a project, and one’s enthusiasm for it. Certainly, I’m delighted to work on projects that complete in between six months and three years – anything much longer and I fear I’d get bored. Which is, I recall, one of the main reasons I didn’t take that aeronautics degree, back in… 1990.
Aaanyway, I’m back from probably the best few days’ walking I’ve ever had. Utterly, utterly marvelous. Pictures and stuff to follow. Promise.
it’s just DNA getting its revenge