Since I’ve mysteriously picked up some new readers of late, and I’m about to vanish into the black hole that is ‘the fortnight before studio, then studio, then post,’ now would be an appropriate time to repeat the standard offer:
I host weblogs for a bunch of friends, over at I do this because they’ve been known to post interesting things, and hence I enjoy reading their blogs. And because I get a kick out of things like Damien’s exhibition of mobile phone photos.
If you, dear reader, would like a blog to call your very own – or, indeed, pretty much any other web application: galleries, message boards, wikis, whatever – drop me a line and I’ll see if I can sort you out. Note that I have to trust you not to abuse the offer, so it helps if I actually know you, or we’re introduced by a mutual friend. Note also that my customer service is described as ‘legendary.’ That is to say, legend has it that there was once, long ago, customer service. Ho ho.
Email me as jonathan[at] This coming weekend may be your last window for a while – hell, I hope Movable Type 3.2 comes out tomorrow – so don’t delay.
Heheheh. A psot was made on csmgf-s . . . I let on that you were back from the desert and on special assignment.
Wow. Emrys was right, then.
Humph. Google Groups doesn’t have recent posts, and I’ve no idea where my news server has got to these days. So I have precisely no idea what you two are talking about.
Business as usual, then.
Google has about a 12-hour delay, and is updated twice a day. Pretty useless for following a discussion.