in the interests of fair and reasonable balance, after my little snigger the other day, this article from ExtremeTech detailing why Windows Vista won’t suck. And you know, Mac fan-boy as I am, I’m inclined to agree with them. There’s lots of stuff in Vista that we’ve had in OS X for years, but that doesn’t make it any less welcome in Windows. And there is stuff in Vista that I could see myself using and appreciating.
Sure, there’s other stuff that’s a hideous mess (that blurring-translucent overlay thing for window titlebars? Neat trick, chaps, but there’s a reason OS X toned down most of its original translucency effects – it’s just plain hard to read). Also, we really don’t know what’s going to be in Mac OS X 10.5, which should appear around the same time. But still, Vista could and should be a significant improvement over XP. And hey, my crash-prone PC just about meets the minimum specs.