I’m fine, thanks for asking – just been rather busy. Oh, well, actually, I did go away – a glorious weekend in Wicklow, of which more anon – but mostly I’ve simply been busy. Scope is somewhat improbably staging a comedy gig tonight, which has been a bit of a challenge to set up, and we’re still reeling a little from the whole ‘Vegas’ insanity.
Speaking of which – forget 1080p TVs, the hit of the show sounds like it was the radio-control dragonfly. Which completely out-does the otherwise fabulous PicooZ helicopter, as mentioned here a short while ago. Damn, and I just got one of those for Christmas, and everything.
But while I’m here: does anyone have any recommendations for group calendaring systems? Hosted, self-hosting, running on an internal server, whatever – are there any systems out there that actually work? All suggestions welcome.