…shave. No, really. I can heartily second the endorsement of the creams of Geo F Trumper and Taylor of Old Bond Street, both now on Jermyn Street round the back of Piccadilly. It’s high time I visited again.
Jonathan Sanderson’s weblog, since 2001.
…shave. No, really. I can heartily second the endorsement of the creams of Geo F Trumper and Taylor of Old Bond Street, both now on Jermyn Street round the back of Piccadilly. It’s high time I visited again.
ahh, to offer ones neck, daily, to a trusted bastion of the sharpness is a practice devoutly to be wished for. I shall, hence forth, take my bristles and sally forth across the Wakefield Road, there to partake of a wet shave, as has been delivered on these same premises since the eigthteenth century.
Johnson’s baby oil. Seriously.