Back from shoot 3. To report, I have: not much sleep; mostly poor food (with the exception of one rather good meal in an Italian restaurant in a town I can no longer remember the name of, but not far from junction 18 of the M25); an awful lot of angst; a retrospectively hilarious (but sadly off-camera) misunderstanding about a bath; four utterly bonkers and mostly successful machines; the three cutest dogs I’ve ever encountered.
The machines were, in the end, amusingly wonderful in their disparate ways. One family built big, beefy, dangerous and effective devices, while the other designed elegant and whimsical contraptions that were more like kinetic sculpture. Once again, we (the production team) were grateful we had a jury to decide between them; it’s a bit of a tragedy that the BBC demand winners and losers, and it’s a relief to pass that responsibility on to somebody else.
We’re learning fast, but the show isn’t getting any easier to make. However, we’ve a little over a week before we’re back on location, so there’s a modicum of time to take stock and work out what we should do differently. On the other hand, we next shoot three shows effectively back-to-back. Eek.