It’s in the Radio Times and everything: 8:30pm, Sunday, BBC2. Yes, I know it’s a weird slot, but at least it isn’t against Corrie. Give it a whirl and let me know what you think – due warning in the BBC2 listing. Also, there might be a bunch of reviews this weekend, which could go either way… if you spot one, please chuck a comment here. Ta.
It’s got a mention in today’s Guardian (in The Guide section):
“Robot Wars comes home in this new Louise Brady-hosted smash’n’bash show which will see families go head-to-head in a series of gloriously dappy [sic] technological challenges, utilising on the contents of their houses. First up, the Hockeys and the Smiths are charged with assembling machines in order to destroy an unsuspecting shed. Stupid? Yup. Ecologically unsound? Barely. A good laugh? Definitely.”
Sounds rather fun.
Apparently we we also made The List with a positive review (though they did brand us ‘callous’ or ‘deceitful’ or somesuch… which may be fair). And in the Mail on Sunday we’re in the ‘Don’t Watch’ column, heh.
Another review BBC – MESSAGE BOARDS – Points Of View – Mechannibals
There seemed a lot of crying family members who’d obviously not been informed that by agreeing to be on telly also mean’t their bed/prized possession was about to be trashed. Also, was it cut for Discovery/Digital, or were there other reasons for it to chop about as if going to adverts, and not?
Good things: Explaining how some of the techy stuff was done, which Scrapheap don’t do, the graphics (like the spanner!), and managing to find some really nutty families willing to do this sort of thing!
More vitriol from the Points of View messageboard.
And not to leave out the venerable usenet: short thread in (via Google).
I don’t think the shed lovers liked the first program:)