Mark linked to this a few days ago, but somehow I missed it: tremendously skillful three-ball juggling with a bit of a twist. Most jugglers pride themselves on smooth performance, on it being a technical form – this is quite the opposite, and all the better for it. Gob-smacking to watch, and you don’t need to be a juggler to realise just how clever it is.
As for the juggling snobs who think anything less than five balls is trivial: get over yourselves.
Art = Skill + Passion
Do you think it’s choreographed (i.e. the same every time), or is he busking it?
John – you missed off the ‘Discuss (20 marks).’
Allan – I was wondering the same thing. My guess is the predictably bland ‘a bit of both.’ Juggling to music is damned hard, and I can’t see that the routine would be exactly reproducible. On the other hand, he must have an idea of where he’s going. It’s mightily impressive, anyway.