Ms Bsag writes of a phenomenon that reflects not so much the poor standard of service in British shops, as the complete lack of service in, in particular, electrical retailers.
I have, on occasion, found myself standing in Comet/Currys/Dixons/PowerHouse/wherever, waving a product above my head in a vain attempt to attract attention. Only three weeks ago I found myself shouting down a store ‘Would anybody be interested in selling me a fridge?’ Because obviously, standing in the fridge section staring at the assistants wasn’t good enough: neither was standing on one of the fridges, apparently.
One tactic I’ve not yet tried, but to which I may resort, is to walk out slowly brandishing the display item, saying loudly and clearly ‘I’m going to walk out of the shop now, with this. If anybody would like to stop me I’d be delighted, because then I might be able to pay for it. Otherwise I’m just going to assume you can’t be bothered to take my money, and I’ll consider this a gift. No? I’m at the exit now, about to walk out with something I’d like to pay for, but apparently can’t. Good day to you then.’
If anybody tries this technique, please do keep us informed of the results.
I got arrested. How large is your sample?
Well, as I’ve said all along, you need to find a nice, family owned, store to make your purchases (cough đŸ˜‰ )
As to the survey, I too was arrested…
It gives the store security person an easy capture. It is too dangerous to approach the professional shoplifters these days so they are looking out for the amateurs. I have wondered though what the situation would be if one left a cheque behind on the counter.
In the wider context is society getting so complex that there are no longer enough people in the society to run it efficiently? Hence not enough shop assistants, plumbers, lorry drivers etc. Perhaps we ought to introduce conscription for “National Service”.
I have a theory about this: the sales assistants make less commission out of white goods. Its harder to sell those wretched extended warranties for them. They take longer to complete the transaction.
I suggest finding a really expensive, cool-looking object. The best looking laptop in the shop, for example, and starting to fiddle with it in a way that looks hopelessly incompetent, and, preferably, likely to breat it (don’t actually break it …). A suspect you will be approached by a sales assistant quite rapidly. Then drag then rapidly towards the fridges.