Three of four schools’ workshops down, and about 12 films made – maybe 13 if the aeroplane boys pulled something out of the bag in the closing minutes yesterday. I’ve a huge pile of editing ahead of me to finish everything off, and I’m rather looking forward to that.
I’ve also done some shooting with the good folks at @Bristol and the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. Those days weren’t quite what I’d hoped for in terms of numbers of people involved, but we got something out of them and they were useful nonetheless. MSIM has a magnificent engine shed with real, working live steam engines, which as you can imagine is something of a sauna in weather like this. There are all sorts of spooky weird machines around, so we shot a Prisoner-pastiche chase sequence with a polystyrene tile glider.
Last night I was sitting on the balcony of my chums Daniel and Mary, watching the sun go down over the Cheshire plains, with a cold beer, starting to cut that sequence… giggling until I think the neighbours were rather worried.