Blimey, I missed that. April 1st 2002 marked my first post to this blog, complete with misspelling of ‘Movable Type.’ Only a day later, I was thinking of giving up.
Those of you waiting for an interesting post to come along can rest assured that, by the law of averages, you’ve probably less than a decade to go.
My first post to collect comments, by the way, was from July of that year, and concerned John Prescott. I’ve no idea to whom those commenters thought they were writing.
Congratulations. After checking the pscicom log I see I have been reading your blog since July 2003 after you wrote an amusing list-post (with numbered footnotes [1]) and I clicked on your link. Do I win a curlywurly?
Here’s what Radiolab have to say about the passage of Time:
[1] I do this too.
That’s rather unnervingly like being stalked, Jo. Thanks for your… er… persistent readership.